Hack Your Closet
Image Courtesy: Hack Your Closet
“We love this planet, do you?” Hack Your Closet know there’s no planet B and believes in using the clothes more to reduce wastage. They understand the fun and excitement of putting on a different outfit every day but by neutralizing the environmental impact of doing so.
Hack Your Closet is a Swedish-based startup that is disrupting the clothing industry at large. It is a rental clothing service that allows customers to rent clothes on a monthly basis. The subscribers can personalise their styles through the app and change them anytime they want. You can even leave your feedback after each box, and they will learn and adapt to your fashion preferences.
They use technology to source clothes that match your taste. Not just yours, but of 15 other closet hackers too which results in extending the life of the clothes. The wardrobe is selected from second-hand items, overstocks, samples, or even dead stocks. This is then circulated among their customers.
With the objective to reduce and reshape how you get dressed, they are changing the clothing industry for good. It is a great solution both for the customers and the planet. With 2,080,544 tons of unused clothes each year (Europe alone), Hack Your Closet has found a solution that challenges ownership and drives a positive impact.
Image Courtesy: Hack Your Closet
It is the perfect way to keep your closet updated without the hassle of shopping. It really solves all your problems in one single innovative solution: having too many clothes, a personalized wardrobe, and the need to be sustainable. You get new clothes on a regular basis that does not take long-term space in your closet. Every month it’s like Christmas in a box!
They are now present in Sweden and France, and their closets will soon be available in other European countries. You can discover their closets at www.hackyourcloset.com.