Role Model: Nicole WYKES
Nicole aged 22, started her informative Instagram page after months of researching greenwashing and fast fashion for her thesis, to share her learnings and to raise awareness of the social and environmental issues that fashion faces. Since learning about the damage fast fashion is causing our planet and people, Nicole made a conscious effort to avoid fast fashion where she can. Nicole states “to be honest, since COVID-19 I have lived in the same three outfits for months. Who’s with me on that one? I haven’t bought anything new this year yet, unintentionally really, but it has taught me that I have enough, and I am in a privileged position to be able to opt for other sustainable options when I do need something”.
Nicole discusses how keeping up with the ever-changing trends is tiresome and almost impossible when brands are consistently releasing new clothes every single day. One of her biggest tips is to unsubscribe from any brand who constantly send emails about the latest trends or unfollow any accounts that promote this. This therefore removes temptation from impulse buying.
Some of Nicole’s favorite sustainable and ethical brands are: Organic Basics, the brand is so transparent about all their practises and you can find out everything on their website about where they source their materials, their factories and their employees. All their materials are natural, renewable, recycled or biodegradable. She also mentions TALA & TOMS who have similar sustainable ethics.