The Good on You app
Photo courtesy of Attire Media
The Fashion Revolution is encouraging more and more of us to shop consciously. There is no planet b, so purchasing from brands that truly care about the environment is key. With many fashion brands ‘greenwashing’, or falsely advertising their products as sustainable, shopping green can be a challenging task. This is where Good on You comes in handy, an app created in 2015 with the aim of helping people to make better purchasing decisions.
The Good on You app rates brands according to three factors: people, the planet and animals. For each factor, the app provides a rating based on standards, certifications and publicly available data. The five-score-grid ranges from We Avoid, Not Good Enough, It’s a Start, Good and Great. There are ratings available for around 3,000 brands and the list is growing every day.
Some fashion labels that present themselves as a more ‘sustainable’ alternative, such as Free People, received a Not Good Enough score. The boho brand have many products that are made with ‘at least 50% of an eco-conscious fiber’, which leads shoppers into falsely believing that their clothes are ethically made. However, the Good on You app states that ‘none of Free People’s supply chain is certified by labour standards’ and they have made no efforts to reduce their carbon footprint.
The brands with a high ethical score are rewarded on the Discounts page, where they can advertise any discount codes to promote their business. One of the discounts currently available is 25% off at Nat’v Basics, an Australian-owned underwear brand made with sustainable materials.
Actress Emma Watson praised the app back in 2018, stating that Good on You is her “benchmark for sustainable fashion”. As the app is growing, they invite users to suggest new brands for them to ethically rate. The Good on You app not only guides customers to the most ethical businesses, it encourages transparency within the fashion industry.
To find out more about the Good on You app, visit