What does conscious consumption mean? At SABINNA they focus on teaching what conscious consumption means, by making and selling their sustainable fashion and experiences through an educational approach. Founded by double-immigrant Sabinna Rachimova, the brand has been disrupting the fashion industry for the past six years, constantly challenging its status quo through various fash-tech projects, collaborations, and innovative products. Located in Hackney Wick in East London, where they have a studio space as well as a retail area; customers can shop SABINNA items but also see where our products are being made. This transparency allows the customer to meet the manufactures and get a better understanding of the process.
SABINNA have a female-led team with a strong emphasis on community building, hosting regular workshops to share handcraft skills and educate others on sustainability to get a better understanding of the value of clothes. They also offer educational webinars, regular community events, consulting and mentoring as well as a monthly podcast ‘Consciousness Beyond The Product’. All of these are designed to make the topic of sustainability a little less confusing.
“We strongly believe that sustainable values need to go beyond the products of a brand.” SABINNA ensure that ethical practices are deeply ingrained in their day-to-day business. They strongly believe in good working conditions, transparent supply chains and are strongly against animal testing.
As a brand, they understand the importance of catering to as many people as possible, no matter the age, size or budget. They have started to expand their size ranges and make sure their products are accessible to all body types, this is a project they are planning to expand on through the new year. To discover more visit,