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The Climate Activist Interviews — In Conversation with Aaron Hagey-MacKay
“I was writing for the Canadian equivalent of The Onion — it’s called the Beaverton — for about seven years. And I was always trying to find satirical ways to get people to think about this issue, and various other ones, from a different perspective. And again, I was asking myself, ‘with the skills that I have, how can I contribute?’ I was pretty good at writing comedy, so I thought, let's just see what I can do with this. And that’s how I started my YouTube channel.”

The Climate Activist Interviews: In Conversation with Aaron Hagey-MacKay
“There's a lot to be pessimistic about, and I understand the need for people to take it seriously. But things are bad enough without saying that there’s no hope, and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy at that point, if you totally give up. Then who's left to do the work? It's just- you're just giving in to the fossil fuel interests that have been working to delay action for decades, and have done so successfully, if we’d all just said, ‘oh well, let the world burn, I’m not strong enough anymore.’
And to me, that's sad. I think — just getting back to your question about having some meaning in our lives — I think that's something that everyone strives for. I think it's something we lack in our very fractured, neoliberal, capitalist, global society, which has slowly eroded the idea of the public good. Intentionally, to extract wealth from people. We're not feeling good about ourselves, on purpose. We used to feel more of a sense of community, and that’s just been robbed from a generation. ”
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