A hub for sustainable fashion, lifestyle and more…
BTS video from our “The Rise of The Pre-Loved” shoot.
Conscious. Considered. Responsible.


50 pieces, 50 Creators, Endless Innovation
Paving the way of sustainable digital fashion - the fashion house The Fabricant Studio have created a new collection which allows users to interact and design their own virtual outfits.

In Conversation with Tabby Bunyan, the founder of re_considered
After starting the upcycling business during the first lockdown, re_considered has grown immensely insofar as recently being recommended by Vogue. Read along to discover the process of upcycling and how to update your wardrobe whilst helping the environment.

What is Lyocell?
Lyocell is a fantastically innovative closed-loop process which turns wood chips into fibers for clothing garments.

Hack Your Closet
Hack Your Closet is a Swedish-based startup that is disrupting the clothing industry at large. It is a rental clothing service that allows customers to rent clothes on a monthly basis.

Beyond Retro x Sojo App
The U.K’s largest vintage retailer has partnered up with Sojo, an alterations app.

Water Usage in Textiles
How does the production of each fiber contribute towards the invisible water crisis?
Teran Conde Paris
The Parisian fashion label making beautiful one of a kind reversible pieces.

Primark Pledges to Become 100% Sustainable
The notorious fast fashion brand are looking to turn themselves around.

How Sustainable is Bamboo Fabric?
Bamboo fabric is considered to be a more sustainable alternative to cotton, but how sustainable actually is bamboo fabric?
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